Life happens. There will come days when you don’t have much time to devote to training. And there will also be days where you just don’t want to do your entire workout; you’ll want to do the bare minimum and be done with it. Whenever those days happen, that is when I like to use time crunch workouts. When performing time crunch workouts (or get-in-the-gym, get-done-as-soon-as possible-and-leave …
Strength Training
One Step Closer
She sat silently in the locker room with her elbows resting on her knees. The fragrance of lavender soap filled her nostrils as she took a deep breath and sighed. It had been one hell of a day at work; she had to show up an hour early and stay an hour late. Instead of a 30 minute lunch break, she only got ten. “Where am I going to get the energy in the next five minutes to squat,” she wondered as …
Have a Fun Workout Part 2
It was a breezy, blue sky Sunday afternoon with temperatures in the low 90s. We stood in the middle of a large park with soccer fields, hair being blown from the wind, my crazy dog running around with her tongue hanging from her mouth, and we stared at the toys we brought with us: three kettlebells and one 50 pound homemade sandbag. Let the fun begin. …
Have a Fun Workout
One of the things I would like to change about the fitness industry is this notion that every workout has to leave you exhausted, fatigued, and crawling out of the gym in a pool of your own sweat, blood, and tears. If the workout wasn’t brutal, then it wasn’t effective. Or so many people think. Not every workout or training session has to be tough. In fact, not every training session has to take …
No Nonsense Body Transformation Part 2
Today in Part 2 I will outline a very simple, basic, but highly effective no nonsense body transformation guide. Follow these simple tips and you’ll get results. Say goodbye to supplements– pre and post workout drinks, workout enhancers, energy drinks, fat burners, protein powder, and other supplements are not necessary for achieving great results. Let me say that again – supplements are not …
Back to Basics Part 2
I wrote a post a while back called Back to Basics for Better Results, and it’s time for a second installment. If you haven’t checked that out already, I suggest you do either before or after reading this one. This post is about going back to the basics again, and I also include a much needed rant, which you’ll see below. I got the most amazing gifts this Christmas. In fact, it’s something I have …
Hill Sprints for Fast Fat Loss
That picture you are looking at is a large hill at a nearby park. A few months ago we went to the park just to take a nice relaxing walk and see what the park had to offer. Well, a little way into our walk I noticed this awesome hill. I just knew some day I would use it for hill sprints. That finally happened last Saturday. Note: I hit a small hole about half way up the hill. ; ) I typically …