Do you ever get bored with your workouts? Have you noticed your motivation or enthusiasm for hitting the gym declining over time? Would you like to actually look forward to and enjoy your workouts on a weekly basis? I'm of the opinion that, the majority of the time, you should look forward to and actually enjoy your workouts. If you're not, then something needs to change. And it needs to change …
Strength Training
5 Extreme Bodyweight Strength Exercises
I'm super excited to share this great guest post with you courtesy of Al Kavadlo the author of Pushing the Limits! Total Body Strength with No Equipment and Raising the Bar: The Definitive Guide to Bar Calisthenics. In this article he's going to share 5 advanced bodyweight strength exercises. If these are too advanced for you right now, then check out progressions for hip thrusts, pistols, …
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Get Strong in a Hurry – Simple Technique for Fast Strength Gains
Building muscle. Losing body fat. Getting crazy strong. Training to be even more awesome. All four are excellent goals, but my absolute favorite is an emphasis on building strength, and you'll find out why. Today you're going to learn one of my favorite simple techniques you can use with your current workout program to start seeing some fast strength gains. But first... Why Choose …
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28 Lessons from Strength Training for Over 10 Years – What You can Learn about Your Body and Mind
13 years. That's how long I've been strength training. During that period of time I've learned a lot. Not just about strength training, but the effects it has on my body and mind. I've also learned some other valuable lessons that one is bound to experience from having a heavy barbell in their hands. Here are 28 lessons I've learned over the past 13 years of strength training. 1) The reason you …
Exposing All the Secrets of Fat Loss, Muscle Building, and Strength for FREE (No Email Required!)
WARNING -- The information you're about to receive has been classified and is completely confidential. I have no idea how long this will be posted, but rest assured, "they" will come after me for exposing it. Fat loss? There are secrets for how the pros do it and for losing maximum fat in only a few short weeks. Building muscle? There are secrets for adding slabs of sexy muscle to your body …
Quit What You’re Doing. Get Back to the Basics. Start Getting Results.
Want to build a better body? Then one of the best things you can do is quit. While you're at it, you should go ahead and Reset your entire workout routine. To top it all off, I'm going to show you exactly how you can quit, reset your program, embrace the basics, and start getting better results. Let's start with why you should be a bit ole quitter and how that will allow you to get even better …
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5 Strength Training Techniques for Busting Through Strength, Fat Loss, and Muscle Building Plateaus
Do you ever get bored doing the same ole thing with your workouts? Sure you can do heavy 5x5 or the stand by 3x10, but sometimes changing the set and rep range just isn't enough to break the monotony that can occur with strength training. You've seen some techniques such as Rest/Pause and Ladders and also Density Training and RPT in previous articles, but we're going to cover even more awesome …
Why YOU Should Train to Be Awesome
Train to be awesome. That's a phase I've been saying more and more. Instead of focusing on fat loss, fixing your "flaws", following skinny rules, or some other goal heavily driven by negative motivation, I'm encouraging women to train to be awesome. Not only will this allow you to build the body you really want, but you'll actually have some fun in the process. Those two - having fun and getting …