Listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. This may be coming to you at precisely the right time. Or this may be something you’ll need at a later date. Either way, one thing is for certain: Workout motivation is finite. When was the last time you had a workout slump? When you didn’t have motivation to work out and your usual drive and enthusiasm wasn’t …
Strength Training
How to Handle Bad Workouts
Listen to this article using the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. More than ever people feel obligated to “crush” every workout. Many even think they must complete every workout utterly exhausted or experience soreness the following day. If they’re not totally spent or sore, they (erroneously) think they didn’t work hard enough. Social media contributes to this false notion …
How to Listen to Your Body When Strength Training
You can listen to this article: Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. Imagine for a moment you’ve been working out consistently for several weeks. You feel great, you’re steadily improving your performance with your strength training sessions and getting in cardio work a couple times per week. Things are moving in the right direction for once and you’re enjoying …
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9 Ways to Make Dumbbell Workouts More Advanced
You can listen to this article: Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. Perhaps now more than ever, more people are working out at home instead of a gym. And many of these individuals have a few pairs of dumbbells, or an adjustable dumbbell set, at their disposal. While this allows them to have productive workouts, an inevitable question arises, especially for advanced …
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Food and Fitness No Longer Dominate My Life
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. I enjoy looking through years of workout logs to see the progress I’ve made, the personal records I set, the grueling sets of high-rep squats and deadlifts I’ve endured. Performance improvement is a critical component of any strength training program if you want to reap results from your efforts. But …
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How to be More Consistent with Workouts
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. If you want results from your workout program, you must consistently perform your workouts. You know this already, of course. But what if you struggle with consistency? How can you be more consistent with workouts so you achieve the results you desire and deserve? There are many reasons people …
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New 10-Week At-Home Workout Program
Whether you need at-home workouts purely out of preference, or out of necessity as more gyms are forced to close their doors, I’ve got something new and wonderful for you that will take your at-home workouts to a new level. All you need are dumbbells, a weight bench, and the device of your choice to track the workouts on an intuitive easy-to-use app. The quick details of the new 10-week …
Focus on What You CAN Do
You can listen to this article. Use the player below, download the MP3, or use iTunes. There are few guarantees that can be made but this one, I assure you, is accurate: At some point, your usual workout routine will get disrupted. You will not, at least for a time, be able to do the workout and/or exercises you prefer or enjoy most. For example … You may experience random knee pain from …