Image credit Unsplash Would you rather listen to this article? Use the player below, download it, or listen on iTunes. The brain is an amusing organ. We frequently put it to use in a manner we think is helpful and productive, but is actually the opposite. Like at Thanksgiving when your brain prods you to keep piling more tasty, only-get-it-once-a-year foods on the plate. We can totally eat …
The Secret to Fitness Success (That’s Not Useless Crap)
Would you rather listen to this article? Use the player below, download it, or listen on iTunes. If you’re anticipating a quick-fix, too-good-to-be-true promise, prepare to be disappointed. If you want BS-free information that’s, you know, actually helpful, so you can achieve fitness success, then read on. Is there a “secret” to fitness success? How do some people get fit and stay fit …
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How About Disliking Your Body a Little Less
Would you rather listen to this article? Use the player below, download the MP3, or listen on iTunes. “Ugh, I hate my thighs.” “I hate seeing this flab on my stomach.” “I need to work out more because I hate how my arms look in tank tops.” Ask almost any woman if there’s a part of her body she’d like to change or improve and you’ll likely receive an immediate reply. Perhaps you’ve said …
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Lift Like a Girl Dumbbell Workout Program
Would you rather listen to this article? Use the player below, download the MP3, or listen on iTunes. “What exercises should I do for the Lift Like a Girl programs if all I have access to are dumbbells?” That has been asked so frequently that it’s time to provide the answer. Or if you have dumbbells at home, your gym has limited equipment, or you simply prefer dumbbell exercises, use …
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Disordered Eating No Longer Controls Me, But That Doesn’t Mean I Never Struggle
Would you rather listen to this article? Use the player below, download the MP3, or listen on iTunes. I’m no longer captive to disordered eating. But that doesn’t mean I never struggle or feel the tug of old, destructive habits. Like a scar from a sutured wound leaves a permanent reminder of the event, so too did my stint with obsessive eating habits create a lasting mark on me. It fades …
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Here’s the Simple Guide That Shows You How to Eat Healthy
Would you rather listen to this article? Use the player below or download on iTunes. Does it ever feel like you spend way more time than you should have to thinking about food? What you should eat and shouldn’t eat; how many meals you should eat; are any foods best for fat loss; what’s best for improving overall health; is there such a thing as an all-you-can-eat peanut butter diet; are …
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The Chocolate Protein Shake That Actually Tastes Like a Milkshake
Would you rather listen to this article? Use the player below or download on iTunes. How many times have you tried a “healthy” recipe that boasted it tastes just like the real thing! only to be immensely disappointed...again? My list of never-make-this-food-abomination-again recipes is a lengthy one; I don’t care if it’s healthier than the original recipe it impersonates because if it …
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Eating in Moderation: How to Do It Right
Would you rather listen to this article? Use the player below or download on iTunes. Eating in moderation is a noble goal. Too bad most people suck at it. What does it mean to “eat in moderation”? We must define it if we’re to practice it properly. The definition varies widely depending on what beliefs someone has about nutrition, but here’s a simplified answer that’s void of stupid …
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