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Missing a workout, or missing a whole week of workouts. Struggling to select appropriate weights for exercises. Having to perform an abbreviated workout because time is limited. Having to work around an injury. Having to modify your workouts due to equipment limitations, or because someone was hogging the only squat rack in the gym. Struggling to adhere to your nutrition goals.
The best thing you can do when faced with similar situations: Don’t overthink them.
Don’t give these issues more time or brain energy than necessary, and don’t try to think your way out of them. Work with what you have, where you are. Make a move instead of contemplating the “best” response and being paralyzed by analysis or, worse, wishing things were different and not do anything.
Don’t cause yourself unnecessary frustration wasting too much time thinking about what to do, and do something.
Miss a workout? Get back on track today. Complete the workout you missed or do an abbreviated one to start rebuilding momentum.
Not consistently practicing the nutrition guidelines you’re trying to adopt? You can get back on track with the next meal.
Are you new to lifting weights, or trying to get back to working out after a break? Do a workout today instead of searching for the “best” one to begin with.
Struggling to work out consistently? Take the time to figure out why, and then address it. Maybe you need shorter workouts. Maybe you need frequent change because you get bored quickly. Maybe you need to set short- and long-term goals that give you a target to focus on.
Going to be surrounded by food that doesn’t fit your nutrition preferences? You may not have control over the quality of the food, but you can control the quantity.
In every situation your response must be the same: Do what you can, where you are, with what you have. Make a move instead of wasting time wondering if it’s the “best” option.
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