Do things that scare me.
That’s been my motto lately.
In every area of my life I’m doing more things that scare me. I don’t mean exclusively in the generic “face your fears” sense of the phrase, though that is part of it, but I’m striving to get outside my comfort zone in all areas.
Discussing more “real life stuff” and revealing who I truly am above and beyond a health and fitness professional and writer? Yep … that’s terrifying. I know doing so will open me up to criticism, even hatred. Saying this is me to the world is intimidating because I’m well aware that not everyone will like me. Telling you what I’ve experienced and the lessons I’ve learned in my life makes me vulnerable.
You See What I Let You See
That’s the great thing about the internet: I can choose what parts of my life you see; I can control who I appear to be. That’s also the terrible thing. Sometimes people show you what they want you to see, and not what’s genuine and authentic.
But I want you to see who I really am – authentically and unapologetically. I want to share my trials, tribulations, failures and successes. I’ve had certain experiences that have taught me valuable lessons other people can relate to. I think sharing some of these “real life experiences” makes life richer and allows for deeper connections beyond writing about a great workout routine or fat loss nutrition tips.
It’s in the moments, or opportunities, of the things that scare us that we grow to our true potential and live life to the fullest.
Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone
I’m doing more things that scare me.
Speak my mind, respectfully, when I disagree with someone. (In an attempt to have a discussion, not an argument).
I’m going to live the life I want and not care what strangers think.
Do what’s in line with my values, even if it’s not popular.
Try new activities I may suck at initially. (This one can be tough because I’m competitive, and a perfectionist).
Continue turning down potential opportunities because they just don’t feel right.
Take a chance when failure is a distinct possibility.
Challenge myself to do a difficult mountain bike trail that puts butterflies in my stomach.
Sell our house and move (where, we do not yet know).
Write articles and record episodes of the podcast that go beyond health and fitness knowing not everyone will like it but do it anyway because I want to and because some will enjoy and benefit from it.
I’m going to write articles for this website that make me nervous to click the “Publish” button.
Episodes for The Nia Shanks Show will be recorded that scare me to share with the world. In fact, one of these episodes will be released next week.
I’m going to try new adventures and discover what wonderful things my body can do.
I’ll continue to spread the message that health and fitness is a tool to help you live a more awesome life and that it shouldn’t consume you.
I’m going to open my mind to new thoughts, experiences, points of view, and do my best to live life to the fullest. I’m going to know why I believe what I believe and why I do what I do. I’m not going to let fear, or the fear of failure, hold me back.
Related Article: How to Stop Letting Fear Hold You Back (Even if You Don’t Realize It Is)
It’s time to bust through the walls of comfort …
Taking the First Step
I invite you to join me to step outside your comfort zone – albeit safely!
We can’t grow otherwise. We can’t discover new potential passions if we don’t. We’ll miss opportunities that could lead to wonderful memories.
Daily I remind myself that staying in my comfort zone may feel safe, comfortable, familiar. But if I never push the boundaries I may miss amazing opportunities, discover what I’m truly capable of doing and achieving, and experience life changing events.
This action – pushing the boundaries and intentionally wandering beyond the comfort zone – is what can uncover passion we didn’t know was there. Too often, and I’ve been guilty of this, people wait for motivation or passion to drive their actions, but thankfully I’ve discovered that more often than not action must come first.
Want to know what you’re capable of? Want to uncover hidden passions and abilities? You must first act. Then you may discover new passions. Say goodbye to the comfort zone and take the first step forward.
Explore. Take risks. Get the heck out of your comfort zone in as many ways as possible. Don’t wait for an Oh Shit! Moment in life to start living it to the fullest.
It’s time to discover our potential and passions, and one terrific way to do that is to step outside our comfort zone. Take the first step.
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